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Dear men, if you love your penis avoid these 6 foods

Ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? Well it is not just a smart quote but a statement of fact; the food you eat has a way of affecting your overall system – yes, even your sexual health. For the men, eating certain kinds of foods can greatly increase your chances of ending up with erectile dysfunction and unhealthy sperm cells. If you are interested in keeping your reproductive organ healthy and staying active in the bedroom department, then here are 6 foods you should try to avoid: 

1.  Sugar

This is one food everyone is advised to stay off; as sweet as sugar is, the effect it has on the body could come with a high price no one wants to pay. Apart from rotting your teeth, sugar has a lot of adverse effects on a man’s waist line. So when you see that your performance in the bedroom is starting to fault, you may want to cut off those sweets and get the proper natural solution for a great sex life 

2. Food with a lot of preservatives

      Most processed foods you buy in stores are filled with preservatives. While these preservatives are put in to help it last longer in stores and increase the profit of their makers, it is not so good for the health of consumers. Preservatives also cause a lot of harm to a man’s sexual performance and health, so try as much as possible to eat fresh and leave chemically processed foods alone.

3. Fried food


   We all know deep fried foods are delicious, but the harm they cause in the      body are not so interesting. If you are one of those men who want to eat fried yam, fried plantain, fried fish, fried this and fried that, all in one sitting, you may want to have a rethink for the sake of your sexual health. High consumption of fried foods has been linked to many cases of erectile dysfunction, weak erection and impotence.

Opt for healthier foods that are baked and cooked with less oil. If you are already suffering from the bad effects of one of these foods, then get the solution for weak erection and quick ejaculation 

4. Too much alcohol


 While alcohol may increase a man’s desire to have sex, it however does the exact opposite when it’s time to get down to business. It is not unusual to experience difficulties performing in bed after a night of much drinking, so just imagine the long term effect constant consumption of alcohol would have on your sex life.
 No one is saying men should stay completely clear off alcohol forever, but if you must drink, do so responsibly and in considerable amounts.

5. Canned foods 


Just like foods with a lot of preservatives, canned food is an enemy to a man’s sexual health. They do not only contain preservatives but also certain other harmful chemicals that are bad for your health. Ever wondered why they can stay for long without going bad? It is because they are packed with chemicals that should ordinarily not be introduced into the body system. Avoid canned foods as much as possible, your body will thank you.

6. Artificial sweeteners

Many people have been deceived into believing that artificial sweeteners are a healthier alternative for sugar, but studies say this is not true. Artificial sweeteners are just as bad as sugar, sometimes even worse, and their health effects are almost the same…so stay off them as well! If you are one of those men who are addicted to any of these kinds of foods listed above, it is not too late to make things right; for the sake of your penis and sex life, cut them off your diet or at least eat them in very moderate amounts. With a healthy lifestyle and certain natural solutions prepared specially to keep you strong and active in bed, you are guaranteed to be a KING in your bedroom. Learn more about these solutions 


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