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How to Make your Kids Grow Taller

4 Exercises and Diet To help Your kid(s) Grow Taller

Are you worried that your child is shorter than all his or her classmates? To be tall is every child's desire. And there are ways in which you can help your child achieve a good height.

There are many myths related to height that floats around. Some parents believe that just because they are both short, their children will be short as well. But with the right diet, posture and a few exercises, it is possible to aid the growth of your Child.Exercises elongate and lengthen the bones and in growing children the bands of cartilage around the long bones of the arms and legs stretch and allow for the bones to grow.

Shortly after puberty, around the ages of 16 to 18, this cartilage fuses and doesn't allow bones to grow anymore,this is why it is a must to start practicing exercises to increase height at a younger age.

So if you are looking for some proven tips that help increase the height of your child, you are in the right place.

4 Exercises To Lengthen Your Child

Stretching is a great way to increase height. Get your child to start with simple stretches like wall stretch.Make him stand against a wall with the back towards it, Raise hands in the air and stretch as far as possible. Then sit on the same position on the toes and stretch the leg muscles. Repeat the process 10 times.

 Another good stretch for the legs and back is to sit on the floor, legs wide apart, then bend forward at the waist and stretch to touch the right toe. Your child can keep bending three to four times to stretch the leg muscle to the maximum.Then go back in the sitting position and stretch to the left toe. Toe touching exercises are also great to elongate the spine and to improve posture.

Some Yoga asanas, especially the Surya Namaskar and the Adho Mukha Syanasana stretches the whole body easily.Have your child do basic breathing exercise before beginning.Then lie down on the back,lift hips and stretch legs backwards. Make sure the back is absolutely straight. Maintain this position and continue deep breathing for as long as possible.Also poses like the Chakrasana can also help your child stretch the entire body.Here, make your child lie down flat on the back, legs shoulder-width apart. Bend knees so they touch the buttocks and bend elbows so that fingers touch the shoulder.Breath in and push up the body to create a "U" position and hold for as long as possible. Release the position, breathing out and rest for a few seconds before repeating the pose.

All kids love to hang from bars and this playful exercise can help straighten the spine and also elongate the vertebrates.

So encourage your child to do plenty of pull-ups.Install a hanging bar in the house.Preferably the bar should allow your child to be able to hang fully above the ground.But if you are more concerned about safety,you can also teach your child to hang with the legs bent at the knees. it is best to hang from 1 to 10 minutes every day. Make your child do 10 repetitions of pull ups or chin-ups daily for best results.

High Intensity Workout

It is not recommended for children under the age of 16 to lift weights or do any kind of Stressful weight training.

During this period muscles need to develop naturally, and only high intensity workouts and sports are best.Lifting Weights at a Gym can actually spoil or hamper the height of your child, so don't allow it. However, sports like basketball,tennis and badminton are all great ways to promote growth hormones in the body and help your child grow taller. Running, Swimming and Cycling are also great options.

Other Factors that Play a Role in Increasing your Child Height

Exercises are great to promote growth spurts. But did you know that the right diet and a proper Sleeping routine can also help your child grow taller?
Find out simple ways to help your child get taller naturally.
While Sleeping, growth hormones are produced, which is why it is a must that your child gets a minimum of eight hours of sleep.

A balanced diet rich in amino acid will also promote better growth and development. You are already concentrating on exercises, so make sure your child gets enough protein,vitamins and Calcium for his/her body to grow in an optimum way.A good posture is a must to become taller.make sure your child doesn't sit or walk with a hunched back or a spine will grow crooked.Now growing taller will not be a dream for kids.Use these simple yet effective tips that can make a world of a difference in the overall development of your child.

Note:Milk in the body helps your kid(s) get more calcium and vitamin D that supports in the development of Strong bones, Fruits and Vegetables nourishes your kid(s) with Vitamin A and D which is essential in their growth.        

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